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How important is Healthcare and its related expenditure to you when voting for a new government?
Please select one answer includes forums for asthma patients, lists patient support groups and disease information plus a blog on asthma by Dr Sarah Jarvis
A patient community to share personal stories and health data for good.
CWE aims to provide a forum for people living with epilepsy (both people with epilepsy and those who live with or care for people with epilepsy) to discuss epilepsy, seizures, medications, treatments and all aspects of living with and coping with the disorder.
Epilepsy Action is the UK’s leading epilepsy organisation and exists to improve the lives of everyone affected by the condition. As a member-led association, we are led by and represent people with epilepsy, their friends, families and healthcare professionals.
Epilepsy Advocate is a community of Advocates and caregivers that lets you connect with those who share the same goal of achieving additional seizure control. New personal stories, features, and events are added all the time.
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