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Support group and forum for Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, and other IBD.
Crohn's Zone is a friendly interactive forum based community for people all over the world with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, collectively known as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
Blogs and Vlogs from people with Crohn's and Colitis
Follow Victoria Marie's journey as she documents the human side of Inflammatory Bowel Disease and how it has changed her life.
Colitis Ninja™ was started in March of 2014 for the sole purpose of helping others out there who are fighting IBD. Whether that be the patient (those diagnosed with UC or Crohn's) or the people who care for the patient (friends, family members, spouses, children, etc.). We want you to know that you are not alone in this battle.
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View our Privacy PolicyThe information provided in our Condition Q&A is intended for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace actual medical advice from a Healthcare professional. Our recommendations are sourced via patients, so always seek expert advice from a health professional before embarking on any changes to your diet, treatments or lifestyle. If you leave the Liberating Research site to view a 3rd party / external link, Liberating Research has no responsibility over the resources or content on that site.